Friday, November 25, 2011

Bachmann's Bio

I heard with amazement that Michele Bachmann had published an autobiography.  Mostly, I'm amazed that anybody gives a shit about her, but I'm also amazed that she has gotten away with raping the truth almost everytime she opens her piehole.  However, I'm very pleased that she has already been reduced to footnote status in the forthcoming election.

In the pantheon of shitty autobiographies, this ranks higher than Sarah Palin's witless prattle, but not by much.

The books title is Core Of Conviction: My Story.  With assistance from my industry sources, I have been able to unearth several book-jacket mock-ups that were considered before ultimately deciding upon the title.  Supposedly, these were the final four.

 I don't know about Core Of Conviction, but the others seem okay.

1 comment:

  1. There's obviously been a big mistake here. The printing presses must have been making too much noise when the publisher called this in to the mock-up guy. The correct title is Whore: My Affliction
